Project inSIGHT

Project inSIGHT assists girls in middle school grades 6th-8th.

GIGH project insight

Aims to keep middle school girls in school from 6th-8th grade and continue to high school by employing a comprehensive, multi-tiered program model to address the needs of girls at risk for dropping out.

The program looks deeply into academic and non-academic risk factors related to school failure and dropout faced by middle school girls. The three-tiered project approach uses social work to implement: (1) Girls Inc. of Greater Houston’s school-based model programs, (2) mentoring services, and (3) case management services to keep the girls more engaged in school and help them make positive decisions.

Funded by Rockwell Fund Inc., this program uses a Licensed Social Worker along with a team of graduate level social work interns from schools including University of Houston, Baylor University, and Texas State University. Social workers work closely with school staff to select girls who are showing signs of drop out. In addition to these girls, any girl interested in the program may ask the site contact to join. Social Workers assist the girls in developing individualized plans for success and achievement of goals.

There are regular mentoring sessions for small group mentoring. Mentors are professional people from the community or local universities. Mentors must be a part of a professional organization or university group.

If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor, contact Alexandria Maxey  at

If you would like to learn more about this program, please contact